I've been cradling your soul in my belly
walking around taller these days
because I have a piece of you with me
at peace somedays thinking this
and others still angry
still helpless and cold somedays
trying to sort through photographic memories
spelling bees and sleepovers
skateboards and I wake up tired these days
wanting laughter to cure me these days
wanting sunlight to quench me and the moon to breathe
these days I sit curled up with your soul in my stomach
wondering these days if I could be that helpless
and somedays I am
so tired of breathing that I hold breath
in my palms praying these days
for bullets to fall like raindrops
and the impact to strike like thunder
lighting up from under loose limbs
grasping throats these days
choking on moments like firecrackers in closed fists
exploding internally burning what was left
when help seems helpless and love is lost these days
wanting moments to pause and rewind these days
like butterflies in slow motion refusing to be caught
and i wake up quaking these nights when I remember
life can be breathless like stomach punches in gym class
holding hope in a paper bags these days
holding breath in broken hearts these days
heaving lungs with broken hope these days
and that night you gave up
like tomorrow wasnt enough to help you
and we werent enough to love you
and somedays its not enough to be loved
and there is always something lacking
these days when Im choking on the lies I tell myself
and the reality that sometimes we all sell ourselves
short of what we are destined for
the greatness trapped within webbed fingers
we keep crossed to break promises to ourselves when nights are lonely
and quiet chirping crickets try to soothe me
souls aching in cornfields these days crying to moonlight to make gravity
take a break for one night so my feet are weightless
and my shoulders are lightened from the weight Ive been carrying beneath ribcages
coughing on my own tongue these days trying to stop time with kisses
recreating your existence with the breath shared between strangers
and I just want fire to burn away the moon sometimes
making daylight last infinities because when the sun falls I feel lonely
and cant stand the sight of my own eyelids
recreating your end
fingers on triggers shooting destiny through barrels
like shooting stars in heaven
wanting to rewind and step back into your life before you took it
I want to float until hope no longer swallows my pain
more eager to end it these days
to be beyond the horizon of limits
and I cant stand to see sunsets anymore
because they are cold coiled up in mountains bellies
and your soul sits limitless in mine