Let me be Colorful

Sunday, March 19, 2006

"If your smile were the sunshine I'd want to be sunkissed all year round"

I can't think of a better way I could have spent my recovery... it's funny when people ask me what I've been up to cuz I never know what to tell them. I just spent the last twelve weeks healing and the two before there petrified that my life would never be the same.. now, well now is another story because my life was not put on hold during this whole thing.. surprisingly beyond surgery, stitches, physical therapy, the pain, the relief-- I've been living this shit to the fullest and I couldn't have asked for more. I go back to work on wednesday and it scares the hell out of me because again my days are going to be filled with routine- I can't stand repetition.. this over emphasized existence of left right left right left right back and forth working my heart away day to day just wishin for a moment for more self for myself for more of myself but I guess we can't have it all so I'm gonna wrap up the moments of beautiful elation that have been given to me these months and I'm takin em all with me back to the real world so every now and then I can sit and just think of all these beyond phenomenal moments.. heres a few to trigger the memory

hospital gowns and none of the original pain
bein able to sleep through the night again
pop rocks by the river
poetry with people who consistently make my heart beat
my other half comin back to this half of the US-- KOOLAID
seein the sunset on his stone
dancin in basements with white sheets and phenomenal women and men
Black Oak
my niece and nephew
moments makin memories almost as good as minutes witnessing miracles
my family who put up with all the bullshit
the woman who tells me to make sure I'm takin care of mE
realizin where my heart is and where it can go
revisiting a lost soul
smiling to the point my teeth thought my lips took off
being able to enjoy my friends and family and to be a part of their lives and them really being there in mine.. it's hard when your job becomes your everyday... just gotta remember to take a breather and sometimes there is a time to be selfish.. just gotta do ME by lovin all of you. thank you


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